Founded in 1998, FullSIX is an Italian group active in Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, the UK and the United States. It employs more than 600 people and offers a range of services and expertise structured around 7 key areas:

  • Customer Relationship, Digital and E-commerce
  • Analytics, Data & Insights
  • Mobile Experience
  • Brand Management and Advertising
  • Strategy and media buying
  • SEO & SEM
  • Traffic generation, ROPO (Research Online, Purchase Offline), and In-store Customer Experience

With an impressive client base and positioned on a very dynamic market, undergoing a major shift from traditional media (TV, Print, Radio) towards interactive and relationship channels (Web & Mobile), the Group was acquired by Havas Media Group in October 2015.

Between 2008 and 2015, Motion Equity Partners contributed to the development of FullSIX, which has succeeded in growing into a robust growth platform, by:

  • L’élargissement du spectre de ses compétences, aussi bien par croissance externe que par croissance organique (SEA/SEO, Data, Mobile, etc.) ;
  • La poursuite de son expansion internationale, via l’ouverture de filiales en Espagne, Italie et aux USA, ainsi que par croissance externe ;
  • La rationalisation des processus internes, principalement des processus de production ;
  • Le renforcement de l’équipe dirigeante et des fonctions financières.



Date of investment

2008 – 2015

